Happy Thanksgiving from SHC!

This time of year, we set aside time to acknowledge everything we are thankful for and spend time with loved ones.
At Seniors Home Care, we’re proud to offer a service that provides a safe home to people who might not otherwise have the opportunity to continue living as they wish. We’re thankful for our clients and their families who invite us into their lives and trust us with their loved ones.
We also give thanks to our incredible caregivers and office staff who work hard to provide the best quality home care services in the St. Louis area. This season, our lobby features a “thankful tree” (pictured to the right) with a leaf for each SHC caregiver. Thanks to our large team of dedicated caregivers, we have a beautiful flourishing tree.
The St. Louis community has provided many wonderful opportunities and relationships in the last 29 years.
From the SHC family to yours, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
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