Celebrate National Senior Citizens Day!

Sunday is National Senior Citizens Day – an event that encourages us to reach out and honor the elderly population. Senior Citizens Day began in 1988, when President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5847, declaring:
“For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older – places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.”
Since then, National Senior Citizens Day has been celebrated every year on August 21.
Naturally, at SHC we relate to and encourage the spirit of Senior Citizens Day. It is the same mindset that compelled Kit Whittington to establish SHC in 1987, and what drives us to continue serving seniors and their families to this day. We strive to make every day Senior Citizens Day.
This Sunday is an occasion to make a little extra effort, take a little extra time or practice random acts of kindness to show appreciation for the seniors in your life. Make that call you’ve been meaning to make but haven’t found the time for. Visit a loved one for a game of cards or dinner at their favorite restaurant. Stop by a neighbor’s house who rarely gets visitors. Ask a senior if you can help load their groceries into the car.
Even a quick visit or phone call can be a big boost to a senior’s wellbeing. Hopefully it will start a new routine. Elderly relatives would love a weekly phone call to look forward to. Think of an activity for children to enjoy with grandparents that both will look forward to doing again.
There’s never a wrong time to be with elderly loved ones. Celebrate seniors every day. Cherish past memories and enjoy new experiences. You’ll both be glad you did!
All of us at Seniors Home Care would like to wish you a very Happy Senior Citizens Day!
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