A Fun and Accessible Outing for Seniors - The Scott Joplin House

This time of the year, caregivers and seniors are often antsy to get out and greet the arrival of spring. In addition to St. Louis’ wonderful major attractions, such as the Zoo and Art Museum, are a score of worthwhile outings off the beaten path.
March marks the beginning of open-season for the Scott Joplin House – one of St. Louis’ hidden gems and a great outing for seniors and youngsters alike.
Scott Joplin was a crucial player in defining the ragtime genre of music. In a time before radio or CD players, his “Maple Leaf Rag” was a national sensation.
It was in his St. Louis flat that Joplin produced some of his most famous pieces, such as “The Entertainer,” which also enjoyed a resurgence in the 1970s as the popular theme music to the hit film “The Sting.”
The building commemorates Joplin’s talent and work. The first floor contains exhibits and wall panels interpreting the history of Scott Joplin and ragtime music.
Upstairs, visitors get a feel for the flat that Joplin and his wife, Belle, occupied from 1900 to 1903. Gas lights, calcimine paint and second-hand furnishings re-create the modest beginnings of Joplin’s St. Louis years.
Tours end in the music room, where visitors can enjoy an operating player piano and listen to piano rolls of the ragtime era, including some that were cut by Joplin himself.
The Scott Joplin House is open March through October from 10:00am to 4:00pm (Monday – Saturday). Visit the Scott Joplin House website for more information.
If you or an elderly loved one would enjoy outings such as this but require assistance, please contact us. Our caregivers allow seniors to safely continue enjoying independent and meaningful lives.
The Scott Joplin House offers wheelchair access via a railed ramp at the Beaumont Street Rosebud Café entrance that leads to the back porch and door, which is 33 inches wide. The first floor of the home is entirely wheelchair accessible. The second floor is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible, however, a video presentation is available for visitors who cannot access this portion of the tour.
Admission is $6.00 (ages 6 to 17 is $4.00; younger than 6 is free).
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